Undergraduate Programmes

Degrees that are recognised and respected worldwide

Our programmes cover a wide range of disciplines and are accredited by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA). Many of these programmes are also offered by international universities, which is further proof of the OUM quality.


Bachelor of Science in Project and Facility Management with Honours (With SIRIM Certification)

(R-DL/582/6/0004/MQA/FA1334 10/24) The Bachelor of Science in Project and Facility Management programme at OUM has been specifically designed to meet the ever-growing demand from the industry for highly qualified and competent professionals in the area of project and facilities management. This unique programme aims to develop graduates to be industry…

Bachelor of Marketing with Honours

(R2-DL/342/6/0010 (MQA/FA0060) 01/26) Learn how to cultivate a passion for marketing with an OUM marketing degree. In today’s rapidly growing world, organisations need to employ highly skilled and knowledgeable workforces with vast knowledge in marketing. The prospects and opportunities for marketing graduates to secure jobs at different levels of management…

Bachelor of Nursing Science with Honours

(R2-DL/0923/7/0001 (MQA/FA0155) 01/26) The Bachelor of Nursing Science (BNS) is designed to provide knowledge, skills and attitude necessary to be competent, safe and efficient health care providers. This is aligned with the organization`s mission to widen access to quality education as well as to provide lifelong learning opportunities by engaging learning environment…

Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours

(R3-DL/345/6/1064 (A8369) 10/29) The Bachelor in Business Administration (Honours) programme is designed to equip learners with essential management acumen necessary for assuming managerial positions in business organisations. The curriculum is designed to produce graduates who are sensitive to the changing business environmental influences and responsive to new ideas in resolving…

Bachelor of Tourism Management with Honours

(R3-DL/812/6/0023 (A6009) 05/28) The BTRM programme is designed to enhance learners’ understanding of the latest concepts, roles, principles and practices in the overall tourism policies and tourism issues. By taking various topics of courses which comprises of different but related key functions in the tourism management and business field, graduates…

Bachelor of Management with Honours

(R3-DL/345/6/0045 (A7470) 07/28) This programme aims to meet the country’s growing demand for professionals in management. The programme encompasses various facets of management as well as emerging disciplines of a global and technology-driven economy. In addition, the programme allows learners to acquire in-depth knowledge in selected fields of management. Learners are required…

Bachelor of Accounting with Honours (Accredited by CPA Australia)

(R3/344/6/0040 (A5885) 03/27) Bachelor of Accounting with Honours (BAC) aims to produce knowledgeable, analytical and competent accounting graduates to fulfil the country’s growing need of accounting profession. This programme is designed to achieve the following Programme Education Objectives (PEO): To produce competent graduates with comprehensive knowledge and skills in accounting…

Bachelor of Human Resource Management with Honours

(R2/345/6/0655 (A5818) 01/27) The programme is designed to produce graduates that would satisfy the country’s need for trained personnel in human resource management. The programme emphasises both breadth (basic knowledge in the various functional areas in management) as well as depth (in the field of human resource management itself). Learners…

Bachelor of Communication with Honours

(R2-DL/321/6/0098 (A9493) 11/25) The Bachelor of Communication (BComm) is designed to produce graduates with comprehensive knowledge that informs, moves, creates and shapes the world of communication. Students will be exposed to a broad-based learning experience encompassing nearly all major aspects of communication such as journalism, advertising, broadcasting, corporate communication and…

Bachelor of Occupational Safety and Health Management with Honours

(R3/1022/6/0008 (A9362) 07/31) Successful organisations treat their employees as valuable assets and with increasing cut throat competition and emphasis laid on human resource policies and practices, safety and health of employees cannot be ignored for the success of business entities. Employers are being called upon to strengthen the need to…

Bachelor of Information Technology with Honours

(R3-DL/482/6/0151 (A7468) 07/28) The objective of this Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours) programme is to produce graduates with strong knowledge in information technology so as to prepare them for highlighting careers as software engineers, system analysts and system integrators. Learners are required to accumulate 120 credit hours of prescribed courses…

Bachelor of Medical and Health Sciences with Honours

(N-DL/720/6/0120 (MQA/FA9318) 02/25) Bachelor of Medical and Health Sciences (BMHS) with Honours programme provides an important platform for assistant medical officers to further their studies and obtain a higher level of qualification in their field. This programme focuses on specific knowledge and advanced skills such as surgical and medical care,…

Bachelor of Manufacturing Management with Honours (With SIRIM Certification)

(R2-DL/345/6/0496 (A9206) 09/25) The Bachelor of Manufacturing Management (BMMG) programme was co-designed by the university and industry professionals to fill jobs in the manufacturing. The content of the degree programme allows students to improve upon their manufacturing and management experiences while also helping to create new skills for the present…

Bachelor Of Digital Media Design With Honours

(R/213/6/0217 (MQA/FA4791) 11/26) The objective of Bachelor of Digital Media Design (BDMD) with combination of various disciplines of art, design knowledge, communication, interactive content and digital media technology is to produce a digital talent and expert in digital media technology. Graduates who can master the elements of digital media technology…

Bachelor of English Studies with Honours

(R2-DL/222/6/0009 (A9470) 03/26) OUM’s Bachelor of English Studies (Hons.), or BEST, is uniquely different from traditional offerings of English. BEST takes as grounding that ‘doing English’ need not be interpreted solely in the traditional sense as choosing to study one branch of English (e.g., linguistics) instead of the other branches…

Bachelor of Teaching (Primary Education) (Hons)

(R3/144/6/0001 (A 6530) 02/26) In line with the government’s initiative to upgrade the quality of teachers in primary schools, the Bachelor of Teaching (Primary Education) is designed with the following objectives: To produce graduates who have wide education knowledge and skills to function as effective teachers, education officers or college…

Bachelor of Early Childhood Education with Honours

(R2/141/6/0049 (A10993) 10/25) The Bachelor of Early Childhood Education with Honours (BECHE) degree is designed to meet the needs of persons interested in pursuing careers in early childhood education who are currently employed in preschools, public schools, child care centres or other childhood care facilities. It is also aimed to…

Bachelor of Education (TESL) with Honours

(R3-DL/145/6/0024 (A8372) 09/29) The Bachelor of Education with Honours (TESL) comprises subjects from both the education and English language fields. Students are required to accumulate 120 credit hours in order to graduate. The curriculum focuses on three main components: development of the foundations of education and pedagogical knowledge; enhancement of…

Bachelor of Psychology with Honours

(R2-DL/311/6/0034 (A9361) 11/25) This is an open and distance learning programme with the aim of helping learners to have better understanding of human nature and behaviour. The programme covers a wide range of topics including introduction to psychology, social psychology, introduction to clinical psychology, test and measurement, developmental psychology, personality,…

Bachelor of Liberal Studies with Honours

(R/310/6/0007 (MQA/FA2719) 10/25) Bachelor of Liberal Studies covers a wide range of humanities and social sciences disciplines that consists of communication, psychology, political science, management, education and general sciences. In addition, the programme also helps the graduates to obtain valuable knowledge in analysing and apply in solving societal issues in…

Bachelor of Islamic Studies (Islamic Management) with Honours

(R2-DL/221/6/0077 (A9122) 09/25) Bachelor of Islamic Studies (BIS) is an open and distance learning program the offered to those who want to pursue their studies in higher education in Islamic studies. It comprises subjects encompassing Islamic Law and Management. It is aimed to equip candidates with Islamic knowledge as well…

Bachelor of Political Science with Honours

(R2-DL/313/6/0001 (MQA/FA0179) 02/28) The Bachelor of Political Science (BPS) is designed to fulfill individuals’ needs who are interested to pursue careers in politics, public administration or corporate management. Nowadays, many individuals are interested to learn and to be involved in politics – either those serving in public and private sectors,…

Diploma in Accounting

(R2/0411/4/0098 (MQA/FA3793) 05/29) Overview Diploma in Accounting programme aims to produce graduates with the fundamental knowledge and technical skills for the semi-professional accounting workforce to meet the public and private sectors’ needs. The program is designed to produce knowledgeable and competent accounting graduates. The curriculum of the program includes the…

Diploma in Information Technology

(R3-DL/482/4/0212 (A8368) 09/29) The objectives of this programme is to produce learners with IT skills which enable them to become programmers, analyst programmers, IT administrators or IT executives. Learners are required to accumulate 90 credit hours of prescribed courses in order to graduate. *This programme is not available for International…

Diploma in Human Resources Management

(R2/345/4/0647 (A5817) 01/27) The Diploma in Human Resources Management (DHRM) is designed to cater to the needs of those seeking career as junior executives in HRM, in both business and non-business organisations. In order to qualify for the diploma, a minimum of 90 credit hours of approved courses must be…

Diploma in Management

(R3-DL/345/4/0046 (A7469) 07/28) Diploma in Management (DIM) programme aims to produce knowledgeable and competent graduates who are able to perform effectively, efficiently and ethically within areas of management The Diploma in Management is designed to cater to the needs of those seeking a career in management at the sub-professional level.…

Diploma in Early Childhood Education

(R3-DL/143/4/0007 (A6959) 05/28) Children Learning and Development have been the focus of the Early Childhood Education (ECE). ECE provides the basic education and prepares children for primary school education. The ECE programme at OUM will contribute to the all-rounded development of ECE teachers by updating their knowledge, skills and attitude…

Diploma in Islamic Studies with Education

(R2-DL/221/4/0030 (MQA/FA 0324) 04/26) Islamic studies plays a main and vital role in molding dedicated, honest and dynamic Muslim. This is due to the fact that Islamic studies influences well-balanced life of a society in order to ensure peace and harmony in Malaysia. The Diploma in Islamic Studies with education…